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How to use the Guide Editor

I’m going to start this tutorial by saying that it feels very meta, since I’m using the guide editor to write a guide on how to use the guide editor to write a guide. Anyways… With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Creating the guide

To create a new guide, visit the Guide Browser and click the Create Guide button in the upper right hand corner. This will load for a second while the system prepares everything, and then you’ll be redirected to a page that looks like this:

Guide Editor

As you can see, this page has very little going on. That’s intentional, we wanted to provide as few distractions as possible so you can easily focus on writing your guides.

Before we get into how to format the content of the guide, let’s go over the few elements of the guide editor.

Elements of the guide editor

The obvious first element is the Title , This is where you put the title of the guide you are creating.

Directly beneath that, is the actual editor, this editor has quite a few useful features, designed to make it super easy to format your guides easily so that they look good. We’ll go into depth on how to use the editor in the next section.

Lastly to the right of the editor is the tool-bar section. Really this only has 2 things in it, namely the Publish button, and the saving indicator. This editor will auto-save all changes that you make, this means that you don’t have to worry about losing any work. While you are typing, the indicator will turn yellow and say Waiting For You . This just means that the editor is waiting for you to finish typing before it saves. When you stop typing it will change to say Saving… , then after a moment it will turn green and let you know that the draft is saved.

The publish button is just what it sounds like, it lets you Publish the draft that you have been working on. By publishing, the guide will become un-editable, will show up in the guide browser, and will show up on your public profile. As a side note, you can view all of your guides, draft or published, from your Profile Page.

Using the editor

Now let’s take a look into how to use the actual guide editor, this is probably the most important part.

Guides on are based on Markdown. This means, if you already know markdown, you can simply write markdown, and the editor will take care of the rest. However, if you don’t know markdown, or don’t want to learn it, don’t fret! The editor is designed to still be super easy to use even without knowing about markdown.

The first thing to note about the editor is the Commands . Don’t let the name scare you though, you don’t need to remember any crazy keyboard shortcuts or anything.

To use a command, simply type a / on a new line, doing so will bring up a menu like this:

This is the Command Palette from here, you can easily select what sort of formatting you would like to use for the current line.

Say you don’t want to format the entire line though, that’s okay! You can easily format just a small amount of text by highlighting it. When you highlight text, you’ll get a popup menu like so:

This menu let’s you easily set the formatting of the selected text, or attach a link to it!

That’s really most of what you need to know, but we’ll go over a couple more small things below:


You can use the /image command to upload images, these images must be smaller than 10MB. If it is easier, you can also drag and drop, or paste images directly into the editor.


Tables are a little bit different than the rest of the elements, When you add a table, it will have little buttons on the top and left of the table. You can use these buttons to delete, or add new columns or rows.


That’s the basics of the guide editor! If you have any questions, or suggestions, you can always reach out to us in our Discord Server. Or you can just join to hang out and chat with everyone!